Freitag, 12. Oktober 2007

Shianoukville & Kempot

We did go for a few days down to the coast to check out Shianoukville and Kempot on the way back to Phnom Penh. There's not much to do and see in Shianoukville during off-season, and it sure rains a lot there. But judging from the bars and hotels this place should be quite lively during the main season.
Kempot is even smaller, there's a total of two pool tables in town (one of which is used as an office desk while they do some work on the place). You can go up a mountain and see an old catholic church and a casino that the French built when they were there. Because of frequent rain we decided not to go there and went to some nearby caves instead.
It was a really interesting trip, we had a total of seven guides, none older than 12 years (for a total of $4). They really did a good job in showing us all the interesting rock formations and "encouraging" us to climb down the more scary slippery ledges in the cave by making chicken sounds! ;-)

There are some dripstones that look alot like elephants, and there is a small very old temple inside the cave that is overgrown by dripstone.

We especially liked the trip to the caves, which went right through rural Cambodia, so we took alot of pictures..

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